Friday, December 28, 2012

Martha asked for it and so…

How about 12-inches (Hey! That's a foot!) of new snow?

Is that good enough, for a day?






So, I figure, it's just slushy stuff.  Kind of like heavy rain.
I make it to the street, turn to go down to the light and…

Fall down, go boom, go wheeeeee!!!

What happens is the rear of the scooter's body starts to go to the side, but…… you're steering straight ahead.


So, you're front wheel is going straight ahead, while you driving wheel is going 90-degrees to your front wheel.  Doesn't work, everything just slides out from under you and down, straight down go you.

It took me about 20-minutes to decide that, although doable, it is just too much physical work to ride in this type snow without snow tires.  Unfortunately, no one sells my size.

(Am I being told something?)

However, if you want to try it, here are some suggestions - based upon my very real experience:

Watch for dips in the snow…. they are not friendly. They grab your tire.

You really need to look ahead and read the terrain.  Go for the slushy, soft stuff.  The packed snow is just as slippery AND it allows your tire to dig itself a hole - whereupon, you just ain't going anywhere.

You must ski along.  Both feet out and firmly on the ground.  Ski -- or, perhaps more accurately, out rig -- your legs push, shove, straighten, push up, right, left constantly.  After a while it's really a bit of fun.

Be prepared to be real tired after a very short time-frame.  Never realized how heavy my machine is….

Of course, once you're on a main road, it's just like riding in the rain.  So, unless you wish to join my club, head for the main road --- pronto!

I know it's blurry.  You try and hold a camera steady after wrestling with this monster for an hour….

Wonder if I screwed small screws in……?

Stuff sticks everywhere..


Today's score:

One Fall: slow speed, so scoot's not hurt.
One very sore left hip and thigh.  Scooters are clearly better able to take falls then people are.
1/2 mile trip on snow.
One bemused BRW.
One slush-covered Honda.
One bright outlook for a new attempt tomorrow.

Provided I can walk….. Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It Snowed!  It Snowed!  A White Christmas!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Welcome to the "What's this got to do with anything?" page.

15,000 folks without electricity.  Not too bad a score out of 1.5 million people in the state.... unless you happen to be one of them.....

Missed getting in.  Having BBQ withdrawal fit....

 "Cap'n, looks bad ahead".  "Yup.  Better get geared up, and be thankful we're not in the vessel on the left."

 Speaking of "gearing up".... the latest apparel for a Bermuda rain squall.... even the pocketbook fits in...

"Hey Cap! What'cha want me to do about this sucker?"  "Miss him if possible... don't want to mess-up his day."

Always a pleasure to meet a well-tended, well-sailed vessel.

My new home town....

My home town....

BRW.... What else to say?

Two favorite Redheads...

First Command.... 65-ft, custom Chris Craft the "Lady Anna"...

15 days in the mountains of Guatemala... I, cook for 17-member team of doctors performing cataract surgery on the poor population..

BRW... Nurse and interpretor... interesting... The natives spoke Quiche, native doctors 

spoke Quiche/Spanish, our doctors spoke 

English..... BRW would translate doctor's 

questions into Spanish, which was 

translated into Quiche and presented to

 patient.  Then the answer was routed 

back via the same pathway.... tiring.


Some of the crew... the young ladies worked many long hours as go-fers.  Everyone put in 14-hour days.

That's why we get to have an ice cream.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Let's get this done......

Think we can get it in through here?

It'll be a snap, just listen to me.  I've got the whole thing down pat....

Okay, but let's get going.... I've got and engagement later today.....

Okay..... A little right.... hmmmm, maybe a bit left......

No, no, NOOO....

Hang Loose!!  It's coming along!

Tilt it!, Right!  No, the other right!!

Easy!  We're almost there....

Get it centered with the presents.... Easy, Easy...


Whatcha Think


We are Ready for Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas is coming to my home town....

And it's imperative that all our little boys and girls be properly prepared....

First, kids, make sure that mom and dad get out there and cut down THE tree for the house.   None of this buy it at the corner stuff..... no sir. So say this....

A Tree!  A Tree!  We need our own-picked tree!

Then, make sure the tree is placed correctly... Perhaps one of the upper floors would be best.  That way you get both the tree and the view.  Don't settle for less.

It's also imperative that the season be started-off correctly, so.... Radio City Music Hall first...

Followed by a long, slow, stroll through the toy store....

For the young ladies, a stop at Lord & Taylor is  an absolute must...

(Although you may need to pretend that all you really want to do is look at the window displays)

The older ladies should peruse the offerings in museum displays, so as to get a better idea of what you not only must have, but truly need...

Don't forget to stop and visit Santa.  Just remember, though, when Santa asks as to whether or not you've been a good little boy or girl, simply say "Under advice of counsel, all I can say is I've been good and let it go at that."

Then, it's get on home and trim the tree...

Use all the help you can get...

Then kick back, relax...

And wait for Santa......

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tom was right.  That's why he's known as

"Tom of Scooter By The Sea" fame.

He wrote:

Snow is on the Way.

And Today.....


To my wondrous eyes did appear...

It wasn't the snow so much as it was the BRW who intimated that if I were even to look at the scooter, she was going to hit the speed dial for our local psychiatric hospital....

Q: So what's a guy to do?

A: Drive the Honda.

The on-ramp and the bridge weren't too bad, and I was beginning to feel put upon, but the roads on the other side were, I must admit, a bit sloppy...

Although the trees in the park looked pretty cool with their mantle of white amongst the field of white.  All in all, from inside a warm automobile, not a bad scene.

Not a bad  ride to the studio, and, if truth be told, I really didn't feel up to riding today.

At any rate, made it to the station and got ready for my co-host to cue up....

don his headset and say....

This is Ray, Then waiting for me .......

And I'm Mike....